There are many different forms of acupuncture however I practice Five Element acupuncture. It is focused directly on the individual patients’ needs. Each treatment is specifically planned for the patient and treats the root cause of the condition – not the symptom. This is very much the essence of Five Element acupuncture and the reason why the healing effects can be so profound and complete, allowing the body to reach its full potential of well-being. The treatment is gentle and restorative on all levels, through this thoughtful and respectful approach the body can be guided back to health.
Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing that has been used for thousands of years to restore health and enhance well-being. There are 14 meridians or energy pathways throughout the body, 12 of them relating to an organ. By using carefully selected points on the body, energy or ch’i can be stimulated, pacified or ‘unblocked’ in order to balance or harmonise the energy flow therefore reawakening the body’s ability to heal itself. Symptoms, either emotional or physical, are a sign that the energy is not balanced and the system is not working as well as it should.
The consultation appointment begins with taking a full history of current symptoms or conditions, your medical health, emotional well-being, lifestyle and current medication.
I then focus on pulse taking and energy checks. These checks give an indication as to the flow of energy within the body and help provide valuable information in order for a full diagnosis and treatment to take place.
The last part of the consultation appointment will involve the insertion of a few needles. Particular focus will be made to the points on the back, this treatment is a ‘detox’ treatment which helps to cleanse and clear the energies.
Each treatment will include a short consultation or update on the patient’s well-being since the last appointment and then the insertion of a few needles.
Every patient is individual and will respond to treatment differently, depending on the nature of the condition, how long they have had it, their overall health and the quality of their energy.
In order to see the best results from treatment it is best to have weekly treatments for the first 6 sessions, however it is important to keep in mind that a long standing condition will take longer to heal.
All subsequent treatments last up to 1 hour.
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear; it can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. Acupuncture can help with feelings that can often affect your daily life.
Back, neck and shoulder pain are common problems; it may be triggered by emotional stress, bad posture, injury or disease. It can be a chronic or acute condition but either way it has a debilitating effect on your life and well-being.
When you are depressed you feel persistently sad & overwhelmed for weeks or months and this in turn can have a negative effect on many areas of your life. Five Element acupuncture will be grounding and supportive and help to rebalance emotions so the body can heal itself.
Constipation, diarrohoea, flatulence, heartburn or indigestion, IBS and bloating are all signs that the body is under stress and not at ease. Acupuncture can help alleviate these problems so please call for a consultation.
If you are experiencing emotional pain and grief you may feel lonely and anxious. Acupuncture can help you deal with the pain and upset so you can move on and take control of your life again.
Exhaustion and fatigue can cause sleep and eating problems, low moods and irritability, poor concentration and decision making. Acupuncture can help restore and regulate your energy to keep you fit and strong for longer so you can cope with life’s ups and downs.
For those that lift weights and think Pilates will be too easy, think again.
Having to control movements very deliberately and precisely in Pilates can feel so much more difficult than doing a few reps on a heavy barbell.
Over the years I have taught many men and women that has have transformed through Pilates, physically and mentally.
If you want to have:
A stronger core
Reduced back pain
Stronger muscles and joints
Increase of energy
Increase of physical fitness
I'd love to hear from you.